Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Do you constantly feel overwhelmed by a todo list that you can just never get through?

  • Are you unsure about the best way to balance the different roles in your life?

  • Is constantly taking care of others making you neglect your own needs?

  • Are you tired of constantly being haunted by pressure and comparison?

  • Are you holding on to fears, doubts, negative self-talk, frustrations, blame, shame or anger that you just can’t shake? Even though you know they’re no good for you.

  • Are you searching for a satisfying direction in your life, but you can’t seem to find your way?

  • Does fear of judgement from peers or family keep you from living true to yourself?

  • Life might be good, but you’re looking for ways to make it GREAT? You’re sensing there’s more to life than meets the eye and you’re curious about what that might be?

  • You sense a huge unrealized potential in yourself but worry about falling short of achieving it.


if you answered yes to any of these questions, I'd love to invite you on a journey to explore



⟶ You’re truly at peace with yourself, 
⟶ Opinions, pressure and comparison don’t matter,
⟶ You have the courage and confidence to pursue a life true to yourself, 
⟶ and thrive towards your highest creative potential,
⟶ Dead-weight of your past is not holding you back anymore, 
⟶ Challenges and fear are perceived as your radar. 


 Learn FAST, EASY AND PROVEN mental tools to Move Out Of Your Own Way

The 3-step Framework towards Becoming Unfuckwithable


Elevate your mental and physical health and performance FAST through easy, safe, scientific, mindful breathing techniques.

Learn to shift your focus on the things you can control; train your brain to let go of limiting beliefs and tap into your mind’s unlimited potential.

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable - the unknown and fears- so you can eventually become unfuckwithable and fulfill your highest creative potential.


EACH STRATEGY on its own is incredibly POWERFUL.



 These mental tools are FREE at your disposal at ANY GIVEN TIME!
…Once you learn how to use them correctly. 

Learn how you can experience:

  • Less worry and stress - more calm, joy and curiosity

  • Less susceptibility to pressure and comparison - higher focus, creativity and performance

  • Less fear of judgement and opinions - more courage and confidence to live a life true to yourself.

  • Shifting from an energy poor to an energy rich environment, where there’s more room for compassion, patience and love, which lead to better relationships in your personal and professional life.


This list of benefits has one side effect: It’ll make you smokin’ hot. 

-Real life sexy not weird outdated magazine sexy.-
Scroll down for a more elaborate list of benefits.


Hold up! Little side note here:

Becoming unfuckwithable has nothing to do with arrogance. 

As soon as you start to live a life true to yourself and value fulfillment over achievement, you’ll start thinking more about what you can give instead of what you can get.

Uncommon thinking is required to break free from the status quo.

Sounds too good to be true?

Keep scrollin’


 What people are saying


Why I created The Unfuckwithable Framework

I believe that ultimately, success is measured by your level of peace of mind, happiness and freedom gained by fulfilling your highest creative potential.

are you with me?

Bottom line is this. Nobody cares about your achievements if you’re a miserable person.
Everybody cares how good you are at life.
Are you moving through life with ease? Are you happy? Are you creative?
Are you confident? Are you loved? Are you healthy? Are you thriving?

I believe that most people overthink, underperform and keep themselves small.
Secretly craving liberation from convention.
Ready to thrive.
…But just not knowing where to start.



You can do this online training even when you’re busy.

The mental strategies you’ll learn are part of the secret sauce of self-made successful people like Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and many MANY more. Their numerous benefits impact every area of your life… So why are You not using them?


 The most common mistakes about the most powerful self-mastery tool (meditation) debunked

+ “I don’t have the time!”

There are 1440 minutes in a day, they all go infinitely better if you invest 20 minutes in this practice. That’s less than 2% of your time to make 98% of your life better.

You know how some people claim that stress gives them their competitive edge?

Don’t be that person. Stress and worry make you slow and sick. Mental hygiene is not a luxury, it’ll provide you with an unseen return on investment!

+ “I can’t do it.”

Could it be that you just don’t know how, because you’ve never invested in learning these skills? 

+ “I don't feel like sitting in lotus or burning incense.”

Luckily for you, that’s not what this course is about.

We’re going for bite-sized quick wins here. You’re not training to become a monk.

+ “My mind can never stop thinking.”

Telling your mind to stop thinking is like telling your heart to stop beating: it’s impossible…and it’s not what you’ll be learning in this course.

+ “I'm not a religious person.”

Think of it more as a mental hygiene technique backed by science. We clean our house, our car, our body, but we never clean our mind… while we clutter it with all kinds of garbage on a daily basis.

+ “That’s too soft for me.”

Could it be that you’re too scared to face your own thoughts (and bullshit)? 

Does building a relationship with yourself frightens the hell out of you?

Then this course will give you incredible results!

+ “If becoming unfuckwithable requires me to meditate, I’d rather be fucked.”

I HEAR YOU!! Just the idea of 10 minutes in silence is enough to scare off even the most self-disciplined student. That’s where Mindful Breathing comes in. It’s a fantastic stepping-stone, it’s fun and easy. The counting gives you a mental focus and the practices are short and potent.

+ “I can use a free app.”

Apps are designed to make you dependant on your phone. It’s like serving alcohol at an AA meeting. It doesn’t make any sense. You’re training to become unfuckwithable; not having a phone shouldn’t make you feel any different. The framework is teaching you how to fish, not giving you the fish 🐟.

+ “I’d rather go for a walk or get a massage to relax”

Saying things like ‘exercising, going for a walk or dishwashing is my meditation’ is like saying ‘jogging is my cooking’… It doesn’t make sense, they’re different words because they have different meanings. Exercise increases your metabolic rate, meditation decreases it.

Meditation is not a luxury, like treating yourself to a massage once in a while. This is the most important mental hygiene you can practice every day. It’s not just another thing on your to-do list… it’s going to make you look at that to-do list in a whole other way… it’s going to simplify your to-do list, it’s going to simplify and elevate your work and private life to a whole new level. 

So you want to move it way up the priority list.



Have you ever been able to love somebody without knowing them?

If you want to build an authentic, meaningful and fulfilled life, you’ll have to build a relationship with yourself, there’s just no way around it.

This 3-step framework is designed to give you the fastest access to it.



  • Feeling constantly overwhelmed?

  • Neglecting your own needs?

  • Being haunted by pressure and comparison?

  • Holding on to blame, shame, fear, doubt?

  • Searching for a satisfying direction?

  • Fearing judgement of others?

  • Wondering if there’s more to life?


  • Boosts energy and mood

  • Discourages food cravings

  • Slows down the ageing process

  • Alleviates stress, fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety 

  • Releases muscular, mental and emotional tension

  • Boosts your immunity, digestion and healthy sleep cycles

  • Promotes a general peace of mind, calm, focus and clarity

  • Boosts your creativity and problem-solving skills and performance

  • Boosts empathy, compassion, understanding, acceptance of yourself, others and events … which in turn will improve the quality of your personal and professional relationships.
    Helps to respond, not react (control your impulses and emotions)

  • Helps you to become comfortable with the uncomfortable, like the unknown and fears. 

  • Helps you to become aware and move beyond; the chatter of your thinking ‘monkey mind’, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging processes.

  • Helps you to become self-sufficient. The need for approval, judgements, opinions, and pleasing will no longer drain your energy.

  • Helps you gain the courage and confidence to pursue a life true to yourself, your most meaningful and fulfilled life.

  • Helps you to reset and reconnect with who you are at your core and tap into your unlimited potential.
